Flashing the eMMC Image
This page details the steps to load the official MPCam image in the eMMC.
Table of Contents
STM32CubeProgrammer: ttps://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32CubeProgrammer
To flash the MPCam’s eMMc, you will need:
Linux host station (tested with Ubuntu 18.04)
Release package (zip) containing the eMMC image (see: Downloads)
download from: STM32CubeProg - STMicroelectronics
USB-A Male to Male adapter/cable (Google search)
Optional: ST/Link-V3 (+10-pin connector)
ST/Link can be used to access the serial terminal
Quick Steps
set S201 switches to DFU:
plug in the USB-A cable to the MPCAM and host station
power the MPCam
open a terminal in the working directory where the release was unzipped, then run:
STM32_Programmer_CLI -l
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -w SIANA-mpcam-eMMC-*.tsv
USB flashing takes a while…
best to not use a USB hub => direct to host station
on completion:
unpower the board
remove the USB cable
set the S201 switches to eMMC boot:
power the MPCam => it should boot into Linux!
Detailed Steps
Get the release package
download the release zip, ex: SIANA-MPCam-RevB-eMMC-01.04.zip
unzip the package in a working directory of your choice, for example:
open a terminal in the working directory
Boot into DFU mode
With the MPCam unplugged, both USB & power:
set the switches (S201) to DFU mode:
plug in the USB-A cable from host to MPCam
plug in power to the MPCam (red power LED turns on)
in the terminal, run:
STM32_Programmer_CLI -l
STM32_Programmer_CLI is expected to be in your PATH, if not, run with fully qualified path, ex:
Assuming that the STM32CubeProgrammer is installed in ~/opt/~/opt/STM32CubeProgrammer/STM32CubeProgrammer-2.7/bin/STM32_Programmer_CLI
Flash image in the eMMC
With the MPCam booted in DFU mode:
in the terminal, run:
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -w SIANA-mpcam-eMMC-*.tsv
The STM32CubeProgrammer should now go through the flashing for each of the partitions defined in the *.tsv file. Note: it’ll take several minutes to flash the 4GB eMMC.
on success, the STM32CubeProgrammer should report:
Flashing service completed successfully
on failure, retry with another USB cable and ensure that no USB Hub is between MPCam and host.
Boot from eMMC
Once the eMMC is successfully flashed:
unplug the USB-A and remove power from the MPCam
set the switches (S201) to eMMC mode:
plug in the power to the MPCam (red LED tuns on)
MPCam now boots from eMMC…
optional: you can use the ST/Link-V3 to monitor the serial terminal.
on completion, the blue status LED will blink to show kernel activity.