Hello World!

This page describes the steps to implement a simple frame-grabber script.

** UPDATED for v2.x **

Table of Contents


The following paragraphs will go through the steps to implement and run a simple frame-grabber script.

We’ll make use of the ssh terminal to:

  • create an python test.py file

  • use nano to cut / paste a simple python code

  • run the script on the MPCam

  • view the result using a browser

For reference, the test code is available from github:


On your local host station:

  • open an ssh session to:

    ssh mpcam@mpcam.local
  • enter the default password: mpcam (for the mpcam user)

Create the test script

From the ssh terminal:

  • create a remote test working folder:

    cd /data mkdir test cd test
  • open an empty file:

    nano test.py
  • cut / paste the following:


  • save the file:

    • ctl + x

    • + Y

    • + [ENTER]

Run the test script

From your ssh terminal:

  • run the python script

    After a few seconds, you should see in the terminal: >> start webcam server….

  • open your browser on: http://mpcam.local:8080

    in the terminal, you should see: - - [18/Jun/2021 22:03:08] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

  • click on the “Webcam” link and it’ll open the frame-grabber streaming window:


While you can develop on the MPCam with most typical Linux frameworks, we like to use Python for most CV & deep-learning tasks. To keep exploring, we recommend that you check out the following pages: